Soup of testaroli of Pontremoli and cherries
6 Luppoli Bock Rossa.

Recipe ingredients:
(for 8 people)
500 g of cherries
2 l of water
1 kg of sugar
Liqueur wine Sherry to taste
A cinnamon stick
A testarolo of Pontremoli
Cut the testarolo of Pontremoli to get about 40 small diamond-shaped pieces. Pitted and cut into slices one third of the cherries and store them separately. Boil water, sugar and cinnamon obtaining a syrup, blended with the previously pitted remaining cherries and simmer, strain the mixture, resulting in a reddish liquid, transparent, flavored to taste with sherry and dip the pieces of testarolo Pontremoli for about 10 minutes.
Serve in a soup plate the pieces of testarolo of Pontremoli covered by a little of the liquid in which they were soaked and accompany them with bits of cherries, pitted and preserved separately.