Ravioli with potatoes, provolone cream, clams and tomato
9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche.

Recipe ingredients:
(for 4 people)Egg pasta
500 g of wheat flour type 00
250 g of eggs
Salt to taste
50 g of water
300 g of potatoes
100 g of whole milk
60 g of grated Parmesan cheese d.o.p.
Thyme to taste
Cream of Provolone del Monaco d.o.p.
200 g of Provolone del Monaco cheese d.o.p.
60 g of whole milk
30 g of egg yolk
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
500 g of shelled clams
Parsley to taste
A clove of garlic
White wine to taste
Extra virgin olive to taste
Dried tomatoes cut into strips
Egg pasta
Mix flour, eggs, water and salt until dough is smooth and homogeneous, then wrap in a film and let rest in refrigerator for half an hour.
Boil the potatoes in plenty water when cooked, peel them, then mash and mix with milk, Parmesan cheese and thyme, and after that keep the mixture in a covered bowl.
Cream of Provolone del Monaco d.o.p.
Cut into small cubes and dissolve the Provolone del Monaco in milk in a bowl in water bath until is creamy, then remove the mixture from heat, add the egg yolk, salt and pepper, mix and store at room temperature.
Heat a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, then add pa"
Pour two tablespoons of Provolone del Monaco cream in a pot, then place the ravioli with clams and tomatoes, then add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and freshly ground pepper.