Potato dumplings with sauce of Castelmagno d.o.p. and leeks | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Potato dumplings with sauce of Castelmagno d.o.p. and leeks

9 Luppoli American IPA.
Medium 2 ore
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Recipe ingredients:

Potato dumplings 
400 g of yellow paste potatoes
2 egg yolks
80 g of wheat flour type 00
Salt to taste

Sauce of Castelmagno d.o.p. with leeks
100 g of Castelmagno d.o.p. 1 year aged
30 g of butter
a leek



Potato dumplings
Wash the potatoes, place them in a pot, cover with cold water and cook them, then peel, pass them with a potato masher, add the salt, egg yolks and flour and mix everything without working too much the mixture. Extract from mixture cylinders of 1 cm long, pinch gently with your thumb on the back of a grater, boil them in salted water and serve with sauce of Castelmagno and leeks.

Sauce of Castelmagno d.o.p. with leeks
Cut the leek into thin slices, stewed with butter in a saucepan moistened with water and let reduce to about half, then add the Castelmagno and stir until forms a sauce.


Place on the bottom of the pot a few drops of Castelmagno sauce, add dumplings and sprinkle with grated Castelmagno and put on the side of leek wheels.