Mini hamburghers with pepper cream and piedmontese fassone meat | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Mini hamburghers with pepper cream and piedmontese fassone meat

9 Luppoli American IPA.
Easy 20 min
DISCOVER PORETTI 9 Luppoli American IPA >>

Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

4 mini burger sandwiches with sesame
A yellow peppers of Carmagnola variety ""Spinning""
120 g of piedmontese fassone meat

Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 dl of olive oil
40 g of capers
80 g of iceberg lettuce
30 g of red onion
20 g of sugar
8 dl of vinegar


Slice the onion ​​very finly, let it marinate with sugar and vinegar and then wash it under running water.
Peel the peppers and cook in oven at 160° C for about 20 minutes, pass it through a sieve.
Prepare the batten of piedmontese fassone fillet and spice with chopped capers, salt and freshly ground pepper reel.
Using a mold obtain round slices of iceberg lettuce of the same size of sandwiches.


Stuff each sandwich with a round leaf of iceberg lettuce, marinated onions, a grilled burger fassone , pepper puree and another round of iceberg lettuce leaves, then serve hot. Season with extra virgin olive oil.