Cake of chocolate, ricotta cheese and Bock Chiara 5 luppoli ice-cream | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Cake of chocolate, ricotta cheese and Bock Chiara 5 luppoli ice-cream

5 Luppoli Bock Chiara.
Difficult 1 ora
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Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

Cake with chocolate and Roman Ricotta d.o.p.
250 g dark chocolate
150 g Roman Ricotta d.o.p. Cheese
100 g butter
200 g sugar
5 eggs
300 g wheat flour type 00

Ice cream of Bock Chiara 5 luppoli
400 g of fresh whole milk
75 g of sugar
3 egg yolks
300 g of Bock Chiara 5 luppoli



Cake with chocolate and Roman Ricotta d.o.p.
Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix with Roman Ricotta cheese and butter, add sugar and then eggs beaten separately, then add sifted flour, mix well, pour into molds and bake at 200 ° C for 11 minutes.

Ice cream of Bock Chiara 5 luppoli
Mix all the ingredients and heat them up to 85 ° C, then let the mixture rest in the refrigerator and then wisk it in ice-cream machine.




Serve the pies with a quenelle of ice cream of Bock Chiara 5 luppoli.