Sweet-and-Sour eggplant caponata | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Sweet-and-Sour eggplant caponata

6 Luppoli Bock Rossa.
Easy 45 min
DISCOVER PORETTI 6 Luppoli Bock Rossa >>

Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

300 g of eggplant
80 g of celery
50 g of black olives
30 g of chopped onion
50 g of tomato slices
15 g pine nuts
20 g of salted capers
3 cl of white vinegar
15 g of sugar
5 cl of EVO oil 
Salt and white pepper to taste
1 l of seed oil for frying


Dice the eggplant and sauté them in a pan without seasoning Clean the celery and dice onions Cook for two minutes in boiling salted water Drain and keep aside Blanch the tomatoes, skin it, remove the seeds and the internal fluid Cut the tomatoes into small cubes Desalted capers Stone the olives and cut them into four pieces In a bowl add the eggplant, celery, onions, tomatoes, capers, pine nuts and olives Season with olive oil, salt and pepper Apart caramelize the sugar Sprinkle with the vinegar until a syrupy consistency Pour the syrup on vegetable caponata Stir gently to flavor it


Arrange on individual plates
Form regular portions with a pastry ring help