Sea beam with chicory and Pecorino cheese d.o.p. of Sardinia
3 Luppoli.
3 Luppoli.

Recipe ingredients:
(for 4 people)
A cleaned fillet of seabream
200 g of chicory
200 g of flakes of Pecorino of Sardina d.o.p.
Black peppercorns to taste
Salt to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Cut the seabream fillets into cubes of about 2.5 cm, season with salt on both sides, cook in pan for 3 / 4 of the cooking time on the skin side (to make it crispy and golden) and then finish cooking the flesh side. In a bowl, season the chicory with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.
Compose the plates alternating fish and chicory, and garnish with flakes of Pecorino cheese of Sardinia and berries of black pepper, crushed with a knife.