Rustic tart with strawberries
7 Luppoli La Fiorita.
7 Luppoli La Fiorita.

Recipe ingredients:
(for 4 people)
Short pastry:
1 kg of weak flour
500 g of sugar
500 g of butter
200 g of whole eggs
Pastry cream:
250 g of fresh milk
250 g of fresh cream fat 35%
A vanilla bean
1/2 grated lemon zest
125 g of sugar
350 g of egg yolks
30 g of corn starch
A pinch of salt
Fresh strawberries to taste
Knead the short pastry
Store it in the refrigerator to rest
Cook the pastry cream
Roll out the short pastry
Place in monoportion molds
Bake at 165 ° C
Remove the molds