Grilled Roman artichoke of Lazio i.g.p.with garlic cream | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Grilled Roman artichoke of Lazio i.g.p.with garlic cream

4 Luppoli Lager.
Medium 50 min
DISCOVER PORETTI 4 Luppoli Lager >>

Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

4 Roman artichokes of Lazio i.g.p.
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
100 g of garlic
300 ml whole milk
2 anchovies


Clean the Roman artichokes of Lazio by removing with a dig the inner beard but leaving the outer leaves, then season with salt and cook on a grill, after that take off the outer leaves.
Clean the garlic and place in a saucepan with the milk, boil for at least 15 minutes mixing the two ingredients with a fork, then pour into a blender cup whisk together then add the anchovies and extra virgin olive oil flush. Reached the right creamy consistency, store the mixture in a water bath at a temperature of 82° C. Add salt and pepper.


Place the cream on the bottom of the pot, and place over the Roman artichoke of Lazio.