Cous cous with pistachios of Bronte, fresh mint and shrimps | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Cous cous with pistachios of Bronte, fresh mint and shrimps

9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche.
Medium 30 min
DISCOVER PORETTI 9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche >>

Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

cous cous
320 g of couscous
100 g of capers
100 g of Green Pistachios of Bronte d.o.p.
100 g black olives
10 g of raisins
Breadcrumbs to taste
Zest of a lemon

Coulis of red shrimp and shrimp tails
800 g of red shrimp
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Fresh mint to taste
an onion
Two cloves of garlic
a chili
A ripe tomato
3 limes
Mint to taste
5 g of cinnamon
Salt to taste
Lemon zest to taste



Cous cous
Soak the raisins, toast the green pistachios of Bronte, desalinate capers, pit olives, grate crumb and lemon zest, previously left in cold water for 10 minutes. Mix the cous cous with green pistachios of Bronte, place in a sieve, cover with a damp cloth and store. Boil water and pour in couscoussière cous cous, cook for about 30 minutes, then pod, add the raisins, capers, olives, bread crumbs and lemon zest and finely chopped mint.

Coulis of red shrimp
Shell the shrimps, keep tails and crush their heads. In a high-sided pot roast the shells in preheated olive oil and transfer them into a saucepan with a little extra virgin olive oil and chopped garlic, mint, onion and pepper, then cover them with cold water, add fresh tomatoes and cook on a small boil for about 20 minutes.
After that filter through a sieve and reduce the mixture "


Place the couscous in center of soup plates using a ring of 6 cm in diameter and sprinkle with cinnamon, pour coulis around the red shrimps, place red shrimp tails, season with extra virgin olive oil and garnish with sprigs of fresh mint and some of green Pistachios of Bronte.