Beans, onion and tuna | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Beans, onion and tuna

5 Luppoli Bock Chiara.
Easy 30 min
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Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

500 g of beans of Controne
100 g of Red Onion of Tropea Calabria i.g.p.
50 grams of fresh tuna
50 g of extra virgin olive oil
30 g of white sesame
100 grams of soy sauce
80 g of red wine vinegar
Mint to taste
Marjoram to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste



Beans of Crotone
Soak the beans of Crotone in plenty cold water for at least 8 hours, then drain and cook in boiling salted water, drain again and cool them immediately, after that season with salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of mint, a little marjoram and a drizzle of soy sauce.

Red Onion of Tropea Calabria i.g.p.
Peel the red onion of Tropea, wash, cut into very thin slices across the width, blanch in salted water for a few moments, then cool them immediately and season with red wine vinegar, soy sauce, salt and pepper. Let marinate for at least 20 minutes.

Extract at least 3 cm thick slices, cut along its length in order to obtain a parallelepiped-shaped pieces with the longest side length of 3 inches and put them to marinate f"


Settle a few beans of Controne and some slices of Red Onion of Tropea in a dinner plate, add cubes of tuna and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.