Shortcrust pastry with chopped cherry tomatoes Piennolo
4 Luppoli Lager.
4 Luppoli Lager.

Recipe ingredients:
(for 4 people)
4 puff pastry tartlets
300 g of tomatoes Piennolo Vesuvius dop
50 g of mint
4 fresh small octopus and clean
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Timo to taste
A clove of garlic
10 g of sugar
Wash the tomatoes Piennolo of Vesuvius, split them in half and lay them on a baking dish sprinkling with salt, pepper, thyme, garlic and sugar, then bake in the oven at 80 ° C for 30 minutes, after that remove garlic and thyme and crush the tomatoes into small pieces. Sauté the musky octopus briefly in a pan with a little olive oil
Fill the tartlets with the chopped tomatoes Piennolo of Vesuvius, lie above the octopus and decorate with mint leaves.
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